

Send us your CV and get the job you want.

  • You are a conscientious and reliable person,
  • You turn ideas and plans into action,
  • You like working with people and enjoy interacting with others,
  • You are willing to take on new challenges and set goals for yourself
  • You want to work for a company that values people and their development above all else
  • Achieving success together with the company gives you satisfaction and joy.

You’ll fit right in with us!

Category: Welder/metalworker, Assembly worker, Other

    Company data

    Schwarz Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
    Ul. Karola Olszewskiego 6
    25-663 Kielce
    Sąd Rejonowy w Kielcach
    X Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
    KRS 0000631890
    NIP 9591975926
    Regon 365195370
    BDO 000202700
    Kapitał zakładowy: 1 500 000 zł