
The STP team

The Schwarz Technology Poland Sp. z o.o. team is a group of people for whom creating the ideal product which conforms to market needs is top priority. Combining the activities of many departments allows us to support Clients and Partners in achieving their business goals by providing a fully professional service.

Thanks to our qualified staff, every new project is a challenge that STP is ready for. We design, manufacture and assemble products, always remembering that only through knowledge and commitment can solutions be created that combine innovation with reliability.

In order to meet the needs of our customers, we are constantly making changes and restructuring, responding to expectations even more efficiently and precisely. We know that mutual success depends to a large extent on the professional preparation of all departments of Schwarz Technology Poland Sp. z o.o. and their readiness to meet the needs of Contractors.

Stefan Schrämli

Owner and CEO of Schwarz Technology Poland Sp. z o.o. and Schrämli Holding AG. Trained mechanic and business economist, dedicated entrepreneur. His ambition is to preserve and successfully continue traditional production activities. In addition to his passion for the industry and value creation in the “old economy”, he is also an enthusiastic helicopter pilot, on his way to obtaining an aviation license.

Arkadiusz Bolek

Managing Director, International Welding Engineer with over 14 years of experience in the welding and assembly industry. Specialist in the implementation of innovative welding technologies. Has practical skills in managing large teams. For 3 years he has successfully managed Schwarz Technology Poland. In addition to his love for material engineering, he is passionate about personal development and teamwork during project implementation.

Arkadiusz Bolek
Managing Director, Proxy
T+48 577 588 466
e-mail arkadiusz.bolek@schwarztec.pl

Marcin Popiel
Deputy Managing Director, Production, Warehouse and Administration Manager
T+48 577 588 969
e-mail marcin.popiel@schwarztec.pl

Przemysław Pedrycz
Deputy Chief Welder, Head of Quality Control and Head of Maintenance.
T +48 698 007 807
e-mail przemyslaw.pedrycz@schwarztec.pl

Kamil Garbacz
Master of Production and Logistics, Quality Controller
T+48 693 203 225
e-mail kamil.garbacz@schwarztec.pl

Małgorzata Janus
Administrative Assistant
T+48 577 588 469
e-mail malgorzata.janus@schwarztec.pl

Company data

Schwarz Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Karola Olszewskiego 6
25-663 Kielce
Sąd Rejonowy w Kielcach
X Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS 0000631890
NIP 9591975926
Regon 365195370
BDO 000202700
Kapitał zakładowy: 1 500 000 zł